Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Bunkering Study

June 20, 2013 10:16 AM EST By: Jennifer Rocha

Transportation: Maritime Administration Deadline: July 12, 2013

The Maritime Administration (MARAD) Office of Environment is issuing a request for proposals (RFP) for a comprehensive study on the issues associated with the bunkering of LNG for marine vessels. MARAD has been partnering with other government agencies, industry, and academia to determine the feasibility and likelihood of using natural gas as a propulsion fuel in the maritime sector. MARAD recently completed a study that focused on the feasibility of using natural gas on the Great Lakes as well as converting existing steamships. Results of that study as well as discussions with several agencies have identified specific issues related to using natural gas as a marine fuel that still need to be resolved, most notably infrastructure needs and bunkering. MARAD intends to fund a study that addresses these issues in more detail. The total amount of funding under this RFP is $500,000.

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